Hi, thanks for dropping by, I hope you enjoy your visit. There isn't much to read or see at the moment because I have only just started delving into Blogland - a whole new world to me. Please leave a message and I can toddle over to your blog for inspiration. I am really looking forward to making lots of friends.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Doesn't everyone have a blog! :-)

Hi, is there anyone out there?

Well, here I am, I've arrived - ?? years of age with my own blog (pity I dont know what to do with it and how anyone is going to "find" me).Although I consider myself computer literate and techy I have never thought of owning my own blog or indeed how to go about getting one.
So how did this blog come about I hear you ask!!! Well, I'm a crafter, I love to design cards and a couple of weeks ago I came across the Pink Petticoat site whilst "Google hopping". I have now downloaded almost all of the kits from the site (well not quite, but not far off it) and have been making my way through the inspirational ideas of Liz and her design team, I absolutely ADORE Pink Petticoat products. This then led me to blogs which then led me into a wonderful world of like minded people.
I have been addicted to the internet for quite a few years now but never been involved in "talking" to others, perhaps this is the start of something great.If I get the hang of this, I hope to share some of my designs with you and I also hope to get some inspiration from like minded crafters. So thanks for popping in, perhaps someone can tell me what I do next? :-)


Kathy said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

Playing along with the challenges, and letting any forum friends know you've got a blog are great ways to get lots of visitors - as is doing a bit of blog-hopping and leaving messages wherever you roam

Looking forward to seeing more of your work

Jen said...
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Karen said...

Awe...found you through Kathy's blog!!! Just had to come looksee as you sounded so lovely Welcome to Bloggie world but you know your life will never be the same again hahahaha X
